- Editorial:
- Año de edición:
- 2009
- 978-84-937110-1-6
- Páginas:
- 149
A rite passage from adolescence into adulthood, as well as a confrontation between the free and unrestrained youth and the isolated and lonely old age, this novel features Victor, a youth living a simple country life with his mother. After having sworn off marriage, he is surprised by the news that he will be traveling with his elderly and reclusive uncle who he has never met. But it is while surrounded by the very mountains his uncle has surrounded himself with as a recluse that Victor will find some meaning to him life. Un pasaje de rito de la adolecencia a la adultez, a la vez que una confrontación entre la juventud libre y sin restricciones y la vejez aislada y solitaria, esta novela es protagonizada por Víctor, un joven viviendo una simple vida de campo con su madre. Luego de haber jurado nunca casarse, recibe la noticia sorprendente de que viajará con su anciano tío recluso al que nunca ha conocido. Pero es mientras está rodeado por las montañas con las cuales su tío se ha rodeado en su reclusión que Víctor hallará un sentido a su existencia.